Inside FULL PC GAME Download and Install

Playdead erupted onto the indie scene with immeasurable style with Limbo, a hauntingly bleak, depressingly violent trek through monochrome environments. Never before has a game killed off a small child in so many terrifying ways.
Children in peril seems to be at the heart of Playdead’s new game: Inside. Opting once again for a stylish, minimalist look, Inside appears to looking to recreate the sense of dread so prevalent in Limbo.
The game is rendered in 3D this time, still side-scrolling but adopting a 2.5D titled camera angle. True black-and-white is being pushed aside in favour of grey-scale and the odd splash of muted colour (the player’s character is wearing a dull red top). Enemies still look as brutal; a pack of snarling dogs was the stand-out. There also seems a stronger element of unnerving horror creeping through, with crowds of what seem to be mindless people loitering around.
Screenshot :
Game Download :
Filename : Inside InstallShield Wizard
File Extention : .exe
Platform : PC
Language : ENG , FR , DE , IT , RU , ES , PL
Disc Space Required : 3 GB
Game Minimum Requirements :
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